Skyscraper Technique: A Step-by-Step Breakdown


Nov 2023
skyscraper technique


The internet today is like a busy marketplace, filled with content of all kinds. Everywhere you look, there are articles, videos, and posts. With so much to see and read, it’s easy for content to get lost in the crowd. But what if there was a way to make your content stand taller than the rest? That’s where the Skyscraper Technique steps in. It’s not just about writing; it’s about creating content that shines brighter and reaches further. For those looking to leave a mark in the digital world, this technique is a guiding light.

What is the Skyscraper Technique?

At first glance, the term “Skyscraper Technique” might evoke images of towering buildings reaching for the sky. However, in the realm of content creation, it represents a strategy to make your content rise above the rest. Introduced by SEO expert Brian Dean, this technique is a systematic approach to content marketing.

The core principle is straightforward but impactful:

  • Research and Identify: Begin by scouting the digital landscape to find content that’s already popular and resonating with audiences.
  • Enhance and Elevate: Don’t just replicate; innovate. Take the existing content and make it better. This could mean adding more depth, incorporating updated information, or improving its presentation.
  • Promote Strategically: Once you’ve crafted this superior content, it’s essential to get it in front of the right eyes. This involves outreach, sharing on the right platforms, and leveraging SEO.

The benefits of Skyscraper Technique:

Boosted SEO: By attracting quality backlinks, your content can improve your website’s domain authority, leading to better positions on search engine results pages.

  • Increased Traffic: When you offer content that’s a cut above the rest, it naturally draws more readers and shares.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Consistently delivering top-notch content not only attracts readers but also establishes your brand as an authority in the field, fostering trust and loyalty among your audience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the Skyscraper Technique

If you’re looking to elevate your content game, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the Skyscraper Technique, ensuring your content not only reaches the skies but also resonates with your audience.

1. Laying the Groundwork with Research

In-depth research is the cornerstone of the Skyscraper Technique, and central to this research is keyword analysis. Understanding the keywords that your target audience is using to search for content can provide invaluable insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. Here’s how to approach keyword analysis:

i. Identifying Core Keywords:

Start by listing down the primary terms related to your topic. For instance, if you’re writing about vegan diets, core keywords might include “vegan recipes,” “benefits of veganism,” or “vegan nutrition.”

ii. Exploring Long-Tail Keywords:

These are longer, more specific keyword phrases that visitors are likely to use when they’re closer to making a purchase or when they’re using voice search. Examples could be “easy vegan breakfast recipes” or “health benefits of a vegan diet for athletes.”

iii. Analyzing Search Volume and Competition:

Using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, assess how many people are searching for your identified keywords and the competition around them. Aim for keywords with a decent search volume but lower competition, as these offer the best opportunity for ranking higher.

iv. Understanding Searcher Intent:

Not all searches are created equal. Some people might be looking for in-depth information, while others might just want a quick answer. By understanding the intent behind keywords, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of searchers.

v. Checking for Keyword Relevance:

Ensure that the keywords you’re targeting are genuinely relevant to your content. Irrelevant keyword stuffing can harm your SEO and alienate readers.

vi. Monitoring Keyword Trends:

The popularity of keywords can change over time. Tools like Google Trends can help you monitor the rising or waning interest in specific terms, allowing you to adapt your content strategy accordingly.

By focusing on these key aspects of keyword analysis, you can craft content that aligns with what your audience is actively searching for.

2. Elevating the Content

Once you’ve armed yourself with thorough research and keyword insights, the next step is to craft content that truly stands out. Here’s how you can elevate your content:

i. Fresh Perspectives:

While it’s essential to cover what’s already out there, introducing new angles or insights can set your content apart. Think about what hasn’t been said or explored in depth.

ii. Updated Information:

Incorporate the latest data, studies, or news related to your topic. This ensures your content remains timely and relevant.

iii. Visual Enhancements:

Complement your content with high-quality images, infographics, or even videos. Visual elements can enhance understanding and engagement.

iv. User Experience:

Structure your content for easy readability. Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. Consider interactive elements that engage the reader further, such as quizzes or polls.

3. Prioritizing Depth and Quality

While the digital space allows for vast content volumes, the Skyscraper Technique emphasizes depth. It’s about diving deep into a topic, ensuring that readers get a comprehensive understanding from a single piece. This depth not only offers immense value but also positions your content as a definitive resource on the subject.

4. Fostering Engagement

Engagement goes beyond just having readers consume your content; it’s about creating a two-way interaction and building relationships. Here’s how you can foster genuine engagement:

i. Encourage Comments and Discussions:

End your content with open-ended questions or prompts that encourage readers to share their thoughts, experiences, or questions in the comments section.

ii. Social Media Interaction:

Promote your content on social platforms and actively participate in the discussions that ensue. Respond to comments, share user-generated content, and create polls or quizzes to further engage your audience.

iii. Outreach to Influencers and Experts:

Reaching out to industry influencers or experts can amplify your content’s reach. If you’ve quoted or mentioned someone in your content, let them know. They might share your piece with their audience, leading to increased visibility and engagement.

iv. Email Engagement:

Consider sending your content to your email subscribers with a personalized message. Encourage feedback and use the platform to share exclusive content or insights.

v. Webinars and Live Sessions:

Hosting webinars or live Q&A sessions on platforms like Zoom or Instagram can provide a direct interaction avenue. It allows readers to delve deeper into the topic and get real-time answers.

5. Monitor, Analyze, and Refine:

In the dynamic world of content marketing, resting on your laurels isn’t an option. To ensure that your content remains at the pinnacle of its potential, it’s crucial to adopt a cycle of monitoring, analyzing, and refining. Here’s how to approach this:

a. Continuous Monitoring:

  • Traffic Analysis: Regularly check the number of visitors to your content. Are there spikes or drops? What could be causing them?
  • Engagement Metrics: Look at metrics like time spent on the page, bounce rate, and social shares. These can give insights into how engaging your content truly is.

b. In-depth Analysis:

  • Feedback Collection: Encourage readers to leave comments or feedback. This direct input can be a goldmine for understanding areas of improvement.
  • Tool Utilization: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush to get a detailed breakdown of how your content is performing. Which sections do readers find most engaging? Where do they typically drop off?

c. Refinement Based on Insights:

  • Content Updates: If new information or developments arise related to your content topic, update your piece to keep it current.
  • Optimization: Based on the insights from your analysis, make tweaks to your content. This could be restructuring sections, adding multimedia elements, or even changing the tone to better resonate with your audience.

Overcoming Challenges in the Skyscraper Technique

While the Skyscraper Technique offers a structured approach to content creation, it’s not without its challenges. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial for success.

a. Navigating Saturation: With many content creators adopting the Skyscraper Technique, there’s a risk of topic saturation. The key is to find unique angles or fresh perspectives, ensuring your content offers something different.

b. Time and Resource Intensity: Crafting superior content often requires more time and resources. Balancing quality with efficiency becomes essential. This might involve streamlining research processes or using tools to aid content creation.

c. Evolving Algorithms: Search engine algorithms are ever-evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow. Staying updated with the latest SEO trends and adapting your strategy accordingly is vital.

d. Promotional Hurdles: Even the best content needs effective promotion. With the digital space becoming increasingly competitive, finding innovative ways to promote your content, from influencer collaborations to leveraging newer platforms, can be challenging.

Future of the Skyscraper Technique

As with any strategy, it’s essential to consider the future trajectory of the Skyscraper Technique. How will it evolve, and what factors will influence its application in the coming years?

Rise of Multimedia Content: With the increasing popularity of video and interactive content, the Skyscraper Technique will likely expand beyond text. Content creators will need to think about how to elevate multimedia pieces, ensuring they offer a richer, more immersive experience.

Voice Search and AI: As voice search becomes more prevalent and artificial intelligence plays a more significant role in content discovery, optimizing for these platforms will become crucial. The Skyscraper Technique will need to adapt to these new search paradigms.

Personalization: With platforms increasingly offering personalized content experiences, the Skyscraper Technique might evolve to cater to niche audience segments. This could involve creating multiple versions of a piece, each tailored to a specific audience.

Ethical Considerations: As content creators strive to outdo existing content, there’s a risk of misinformation or exaggeration. The future of the Skyscraper Technique will likely emphasize ethical content creation, ensuring accuracy and authenticity.

Integration with Emerging Technologies: Augmented reality, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies offer new platforms for content. Adapting the Skyscraper Technique to these platforms will be an exciting frontier for content creators.

Case Studies: 

The Skyscraper Technique in Action

Real-world examples offer tangible proof of the Skyscraper Technique’s efficacy. Let’s explore a few instances where this strategy was employed to great success.

Revamping Outdated Guides: A tech blogger noticed a popular guide on “Best Apps of 2018.” Recognizing the potential, they crafted a comprehensive “Best Apps of 2023” guide, incorporating the latest apps, user reviews, and expert opinions. The result? Their guide not only ranked higher but also garnered significant social media shares and backlinks.

Expanding on Listicles: An eco-friendly website identified a popular article titled “10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Use.” They decided to take it a step further, creating a detailed piece on “50 Innovative Ways to Reduce Plastic Use,” complete with visuals, statistics, and actionable tips. This expanded listicle quickly became a reference point for those seeking sustainable living tips.

Enhancing Visual Appeal: A travel blogger came across a well-received article on “Top European Destinations.” While the content was solid, it lacked engaging visuals. The blogger recreated the piece, integrating stunning photographs, interactive maps, and even short video snippets. The visually enhanced article saw higher engagement rates and became a favorite among travel enthusiasts.

Integrating Interactive Elements: A health and fitness website found a popular article on “Benefits of Yoga.” They decided to elevate it by adding interactive elements like quizzes (“Which Yoga Pose Suits You?”) and infographics detailing specific yoga poses. The interactive version not only kept readers engaged longer but also saw higher sharing rates.


The Skyscraper Technique is more than just a content strategy; it’s a commitment to excellence. By researching thoroughly, crafting superior content, and continuously refining based on feedback, content creators can ensure their work not only stands out but also remains relevant and impactful in the ever-evolving digital landscape.